Shaykh ‘Arafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī:
"As for the abundance of disagreement and division on social media, then this is sadly because many of those who write [on social media], do not know how to write well, and they write about things that do not benefit people. The reason is that they poke their noses into every fitnah (trial, tribulation & controversy) and every problem, feeling the need to intervene with their opinions, to praise and criticize, saying "I think...," yet they are among the most ignorant of the ignorant. You will not find them caring about calling people to Allāh (da‘wah) or pursuing knowledge.
If they had something meaningful to occupy themselves with in terms of da‘wah, they wouldn’t remain on these social media platforms, writing day and night. When you read their writings, you don’t gain any benefit. The only thing you gain is: them criticizing this person, urging that person, forbidding this person, advising that person. There is no knowledge, no da‘wah, no effort to acquire knowledge or listen to the lessons of scholars. I wish all of them would focus on spreading the fatwa's of the scholars. If a student of knowledge focused solely on sharing the fatwas of scholars like Bin Baz, Al-Albani, Rabee', Ubayd, or An-Najmi, or the Permanent Committee, they could spend years publishing, and imagine how much reward they would earn! Leave the fitan (plural of fitnah) to those who are qualified for them, leave them to the scholars who have recognized and lived through the fitan in every land and know about these matters. The fitan have increased and, sadly, division has occured, and many people with sick hearts have taken advantage of this.
And when we tell the brothers, "Brothers, we are living in a time of fitan; do not busy yourselves with these matters, do not involve yourselves in these fitan," only a few listen to you and benefit. What did the Prophet (ﷺ) teach us to do when trials appear? He taught us to turn to worship, to turn to the scholars and to knowledge. But many of these people are foolish, taking center stage on these platforms, and they have corrupted things, by Allāh.
The consequences are bad, and the outcomes are bad. They get involved in fitan, and their status declines. Had they continued seeking knowledge and spreading it, Allāh would have elevated their status, and people would have known them for their goodness. But they think that these matters are what make people pay attention to them. "Go against the grain, and you’ll be noticed." This has caused weakness in faith and weakened the bond between brothers. They have misled some of the youth, who now only know this: this is the Salafi methodology to them – to argue! You want to argue here on Facebook, on Twitter, and these platforms.. Audacity, boldness, and aggression!
This is my advice, based on what I have seen from the writings of some brothers who may ascribe themselves to the Sunnah, and some of them, by Allāh, I fear that he may be an infiltrator into this methodology. How many times has our Sheikh Imam Rabee' advised, and how many times has our Sheikh Ubayd advised the youth and the beginners? Yet only a few have benefited, and Allāh's help is sought."
Translation: Yāsīn ibn Jamāl