"What has exposed them for their realities, and exposed their fangs, is that they are killing the Muslims in Syria with Bashar. They are sacrificing the Muslims, they are sacrificing the Muslim army in Syria… this group and that group… they are sacrificing the Muslims; so they have become helpers of Bashar Al Kalb in killing the Muslims. Is this the Islaam that has come because of him? Is this the aid that they are claiming with this nomenclature?
By Allaah, they are not aiding Islaam nor are they breaking the disbelievers, they have become a thorn and a dagger in the throats of who? In the throats of the Muslims."
"...I say more harmful than the disbelievers, why? Because they speak loudly with Islaam, and the disbelievers, then everyone knows that they are disbelievers. As for the Khawaarij (rebellious Muslims), that sacrifice the Muslims in the name of Islaam, they are as the Prophet -صلى الله عليه وسلم- said about them: “The most evil of the creation“, they are the most evil of the creation, even though the disbelievers (are included in the creation). “The dogs of the people of the fire“. The dogs of the fire. They sacrifice the Muslims in Syria aiding Bashar.
"Fear Allaah with regards to the blood of the Muslims! Fear Allaah with regards to the blood of the Muslims! SubhanAllah! The blood! Ahmad bin Hanbal was tortured by Al Ma’moon, and he was beaten by Al Waathiq, and was tortured by Al Mu’tassim. Three khulafa (leaders) and they tortured, harmed, and beat him until he saw death- and when people came to him in order to rebel, he said “I seek refuge with Allaah! He is the leader of the Muslims (Ameer al Mu’mineen)!” It’s the blood."
-Shaykh Saalih as-Suhaymee (May Allah protect him)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Aqeedah, Islamic University in Madinah