The Relationship Between Sinning And Our Circumstances
In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.
A Brief Similitude Regarding Disobedience
Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [rahimahullaah] said:
“Obedience to [Allaah and His Messenger] is a light and disobedience is darkness. And whenever the darkness becomes more intense, straying increases until [the person] falls into bidah, affairs of misguidance and destruction, whilst he does not know–similar to a blind man who comes out in the darkness of night and walking by himself”. [Ref 1]
Consequences of Persisting Upon Evil, Whilst Receiving More Provision – By Imaam As-Sadi [rahimahullaah]
Allaah [The Most High] said:
وَالَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
وَأُمْلِي لَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّ كَيْدِي مَتِينٌ
Those who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), We shall gradually seize them with punishment in ways they perceive not. And I respite them; certainly My Plan is strong. [7:182-183]
– We shall gradually seize them with punishment]
– by granting them plentiful provision and respite until they think that they will neither be taken to task for their disobedience nor punished, so they increase in disbelief and transgression, and evil upon evil. And through this their punishment is increased and multiplied, so they harm themselves in ways they perceive not. This is why Allaah said: [إِنَّ كَيْدِي مَتِينٌ -certainly My Plan is strong] [End of Quote] [Ref 2]
[ سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
– We shall gradually seize them with punishment in ways they perceive not]: Imaam Sufyaan Ath-Thawree [rahimahullaah] said that this means, ”Whenever they commit [major] sins, Allaah bestows a blessing on them and make them forgetful of seeking forgiveness. [Ref 3]
Allah Will Not Change The Good Condition of a People As Long As They Do Not Change Their State of Goodness Themselves
Allaah [The Most High] said:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ
Verily! Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). [Soorah Ar-Ra’d: Ayah: 11]
Ibnul Jawzee [rahimahullaah] said: Whoever loves that the state of affairs should become rectified then let him strive in rectifying (his) deeds. Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic) said: [وَأَن لَّوِ اسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى الطَّرِيقَةِ لَأَسْقَيْنَاهُم مَّاءً غَدَقًا – If they had believed in Allah, and went on the Right Way, We should surely have bestowed on them water (rain) in abundance] [Ref 4]
The Evil Consequences of Our Evil Deeds On Earth
Allaah [The Most High] said:
ظَهَرَ ٱلۡفَسَادُ فِى ٱلۡبَرِّ وَٱلۡبَحۡرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتۡ أَيۡدِى ٱلنَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُم بَعۡضَ ٱلَّذِى عَمِلُواْ لَعَلَّهُمۡ يَرۡجِعُونَ
Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned.’’ (Soorah Ruum; Ayah:41]
Imaam Ibnul Qayyim[rahimahullaah] said:
This ayah was revealed regarding the state of affairs of the world- the relationship between it and the events that occur. You see how the occurrence of those evil actions and defects (of the people) affects the harvest, vegetation and the animals in every era, and the manner in which those evil (affairs) necessitates other evils. And whenever the people initiate oppression and wickedness, their Lord (The Blessed and Most High) brings about- from those evils and defects (of theirs)- deficiencies and harm in their nourishments, fruits, atmospheres, bodies, outward appearances and manners, as a justification for their deeds, acts of oppression and wickedness.
The majority of the illnesses and the general evil affairs are remnants of the punishment afflicted upon the people of the previous nations; then there remained from that what remains, as a surprise punishment against those who remain upon the (evil) deeds of those previous nations. This is a just judgement and just decree. And indeed the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has indicated to this in his statement concerning plagues, that it is a remnant of an affliction or punishment that was sent by Allaah to the Children of Israa’eel. [Ref 5]
[Ref 1]: Al-Jawaab Al-Kaafee: page: 13
[Ref 2: An Excerpt from ‘Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan Fee Tafseer Kalaam al-Mannaan’ by Imaam Sadi. slightly paraphrased]
[Ref 3: Al-Mukhallisaat 2352]
[Ref 4: An Excerpt from ‘Saydul Khaatir’ page: 6]
[Ref 5: An Excerpt from ‘Badaa’i-ul At-Tafseer Al-Jaami Limaa Fassarahu Al-Imaam Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah: page: 313: Vol:2. slightly paraphrased